Lower School Traditions


By Patti Brooks
Lower School Coordinator, Lakehill Preparatory School 

Life is so full of rules!

Many of us like the feeling of having safe boundaries each day….I know that I do!  Just about everything we do has rules, sometimes they are spoken or written, but more often they are just understood.  Those are the hardest to follow and the ones that are the most challenging each day.

In Lakehill’s Lower School we have a code of behavior called the Triangle Rules.  These rules are written, spoken, and understood. In my opinion, it takes all three types to make sure these rules are understood by everyone.

Each year, our talented 2nd-4th grade students (under the expert guidance of Catherine Huitt, their art teacher) draw posters to depict their own perception of these rules. These posters are wonderful, creative, and very expressive.  A committee of teachers judges these and picks a winner each year. The winning poster is copied, laminated, and displayed throughout the Lower School as a daily reminder to us all.

The rules are simple, but direct. They are:

1. THE RESPECT RULE—Students are expected to respect themselves, their classmates, and their teachers.

2. THE SAFETY RULE—Students are expected to act in such a way that they do not endanger themselves or others.

3. THE WELCOME RULE—Students are expected to include one another in classroom and playground activities.

Wouldn’t our world be a better place if everyone everywhere followed these rules?