Heath and Wellness

Coughs and colds: It’s a virus

By Kelly A. Johnson, MD

Coughs and colds: It’s a virus

When are antibiotics needed?   Almost Never!

Coughs and colds during the winter season are very common and spread easily from person to person.  Doctors call these upper respiratory infections and they are caused by viruses. They are spread from the fine mist of water droplets expelled when we cough or sneeze. They usually last about a week and then are gone. All you and your child need are fluids, rest, and fever medications.  Antibiotics will not treat viral infections and are never used for this purpose.  As usual, there are some exceptions and you need to take your child to the doctor:

1)  If your child’s symptoms worsen after three to five days. 2)  Persistent fever over 100.4 for five days or more. 3) Develops a new fever with worsening cough after three to four days of symptoms. 4) Your child has asthma or wheezing.  5) Develops ear pain. 6) Your child is under 12 months of age and exposed to RSV.  7) Any age child that you suspect has the flu.

RSV is a respiratory virus that causes severe cough and cold symptoms with increased mucus production. It can cause children under two and children with asthma to have difficulty breathing and is a very serious illness. If your child develops severe cough and cold symptoms and is breathing fast or panting, they need to see a doctor immediately.

Flu is also an upper respiratory virus and can present with similar symptoms as RSV except there is usually a higher fever, body aches, sore throat and less mucus production. Getting a flu vaccine can prevent this illness in many cases.  Neither RSV or flu can be treated with antibiotics.

As usual, good hand washing and covering your cough will help prevent the spread of all respiratory viruses. Please do not send your child to school until they are fever free for 24 hours to prevent the spread to other children.

If you have further questions, need an appointment, or want to read previous newsletters, go to my website at or 214-558-0037.

Kelly A. Johnson, MD


Partners in Reading

By Heather Dondis
Director of College Counseling, Lakehill Preparatory School

As Director of College Counseling, I assume the responsibility of all things college:  college fairs, college meetings, testing sessions, course and schedule advising. If it is related to college, I am there.

I am fortunate in my position, though, because I also get to see the kids in action in other parts of their lives.  A few weeks ago, our Upper School students participated in our annual Day of Service. It was incredible. I was with a group of eight seniors and I witnessed them at their very best, because they wanted to give their very best.

Their letters of recommendation have already been written and sent to colleges and they have already earned their highly-coveted senior privilege of off-campus lunch, so I know they were working together purely for the sake of giving back to their community. My groups volunteered with Reading Partners (, a non-profit organization that has joined forces with low-performing elementary schools in cities across the United States. We were assigned to one of the lowest performing schools in the state of Texas.

We were each paired with an elementary school child who was reading one to two years below their grade level. In 45 very quick minutes, our students were witnesses to the power of individual instruction and realized the love, attention, dedication, and patience needed for successful teaching and learning. Our seniors couldn’t stop talking about the project the entire way home and they are now in the process of proposing a more permanent partnership with the organization.

What a powerful lesson they learned.  I was proud to be a part of it.

Juniors at North Texas Food Bank

Lakehill seniors tutor children through Reading Partners


Remembering Others on Valentine’s Day

I grew up with Valentine’s Day being one of our BIG celebrations because my parents married on Valentine’s day many moons ago.  It became a family event with the fun of making valentines and creating special surprises that showed our care for each other.

Many conversation hearts later, I still love the celebration and I am glad it is a part of our Middle School experience at Lakehill.  From our annual dance to delivery of surprise valentine candies and flowers, Valentine’s Day is sweet and special.
This year, we decided to share our feelings of being special and remembered with others by making Valentine cards that we could share with some of the groups we serve throughout the year.  Lower School and Middle School Community Connections groups contributed as well as one of our Girl Scout troops and every Middle School class. In the end, we have enough cards to share with the clients of five of our neighborhood organizations who help others.
We were very excited to see the results of our efforts and know that we were sending more than doilies and construction paper.  To quote one card, “Happy Valentine’s Day! You are special and we remember you!”
Family and Community

I Love Lakehill Because…

By Ray Dent
Director of Development and Alumni Relations
Lakehill Preparatory School

For an article in the upcoming issue of Milestones Magazine, I asked the teachers if they would have their students complete the sentence, “I love Lakehill because…”

The responses from the kids were so overwhelmingly positive and heartwarming that I asked the faculty, along with a few parents and alumni, if they would complete the same sentence in order to get a perspective from adults. The adult responses were just as touching and refreshing as the children’s.

What a wonderful experience it has been to see such a varied group of adults and children so willingly explain what makes Lakehill a special place for them. The extent to which this school, its people, and its programs have touched them all is truly remarkable.

I guess that’s the reason I love Lakehill because… this very unique school earns the love and loyalty of those whose lives it touches.