Environmental Education

This Term at Lakehill’s Environmental Science Center

By Daniel Bracken
Director of Environmental Education, Lakehill Preparatory School
Kindergarten learned about animal life cycles. They examined how some animals are born and grow while some experience large changes as they get older. Each student decorated a “metamorphosis cookie” using different types of candy to represent the stages of a butterfly’s life cycle.
First Grade
First grade learned how a bird’s diet determines the type and shape of their beak. Students used pliers, pipettes, tongs, chopsticks and tweezers to simulate beaks in order to pick up nectar, seeds, wax paper, Swedish fish, and rice (standing in for food sources).
Second Grade
Second grade learned about insect camouflage. They observed real insect specimens within their habitats and later created their own camouflaged stick bugs out of bamboo and leaves.
Third Grade
Third grade studied plant movement, learning about the different types of stimuli that induce plants to move. They set up an experiment to examine how light can cause plants to move. Pairs of  students constructed mazes that bean seedlings must navigate in order to reach the light source.
Fourth Grade
Fourth grade studied tree rings, learning how to determine tree age and the causes for the markings on their tree slices. By the end of class, they could describe some of their trees’ past experiences.
Fifth Grade
Fifth grade learned about soil nutrients, testing samples for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and pH levels, and determining which plants are best suited to live in different types of soil.
Sixth Grade
Sixth grade examined the water quality of the stream and pond at the ESC, testing water samples from the each. They learned about the nitrogen cycle and discovered the levels of nitrogen, ammonia, dissolved oxygen, and pH in the water.
Seventh Grade
Seventh Grade identified and researched their assigned trees at the ESC. Their findings will be used to make a QR tree tag on subsequent trips.
Eighth Grade
Eighth Grade built model solar houses complete with solar fans and lights. They will conduct an experiment to investigate the efficiency of their houses on a future visit.