College Readiness

Taking a Risk

By Heather Dondis
Director of College Counseling, Lakehill Preparatory School

Earlier this fall, I unintentionally performed a social experiment.  A representative from the University of Southern California was coming to present on the university and I had nearly 50 students signed up for the lunchtime visit.  The best place to accommodate this number of students and their lunches was obviously the lunchroom.  So I instructed the students who signed up for the visit to sit on the right side of the cafeteria.  Easy, right?  Well, little did I know how attached students were to their tables and their groups of friends.  I even heard one student say, “I guess I’ll learn more about USC,” as he didn’t want to move from his place, and he hadn’t signed up for the visit.

Fast forward a few weeks later.  At our annual presentation to our freshman and parents of freshman, we had a student panel of seniors offering their advice on how to be successful.  One piece of advice that they offered was to try something new, don’t just follow friends.

So this is my advice to students reading this blog…there are so many opportunities out there.  Do not let something pass you by because you were afraid to step out of your comfort zone.  Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School each has its unique set of activities and events.  College will offer you even more–some colleges have over 700 clubs and organizations!  And to parents reading this blog, encourage, but do not force your children to do something new.  Continue to offer new opportunities and be confident that something will click.

Life is too short to sit at the same lunch table every day.
